Shiatsu Massage Chair Review

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Shiatsu Massage Chair

Category: Electric Massage Chairs, Brand: Shiatsu , Model: Massage Chair
Shiatsu Massage Chair
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Rating: 3.8 / 5 stars
(on 11 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2017
Basic info:
Weight: 66.1 lb
30 kg
Color: White, red
Fabric: Leather
Programs: 3
Maximum Weight: 198 lb
90 kg
Remote Control:
Video Instruction:
Heating Pads:
Bluetooth Audio:
Massage zones:
Amazon's price:
399.99 $
Item URL for sale

This electric massager comes with a very distinct way of ensuring that you get the best massage. It has an SL curved shaped rail system that runs from the shoulders to the thighs to ensure that you are getting a massage that covers every detail of your back. You can also play some music as it does its job thanks to an inbuilt 3D surround system. The control buttons are conveniently located just within the armrest which makes them easy to reach. On the armrest is a slot curved out that you can keep your phones or other accessories. However, you should note that this massage chair does not recline and it is also not designed to massage the legs.


It gives a massage that is similar to the human touch in both efficiency and depth to ease tension and pain on the body.

You will love that it covers your upper body sufficiently thanks to its SL curved rail system that runs through the shoulder, back, and thighs.

It comes with a music system that you can use to play some relaxing music during the massage process.

You can access its control buttons effortlessly from the comfort of your armrest.

It is lightweight and comes with concealed wheels that make it easy to move them from room to room.

It comes with a slot that you can use to keep your phone and other accessories.


It does not massage the legs.

It does not recline.

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