Top 9 Best Home Weather Stations

For the sake of preparedness, it is very important that you install a weather station in your home.

One of the advantages of such devices is that they will help you to be in in touch with the prevailing weather conditions in an environment so that you are adequately prepared for any changes in the weather.

Some of these weather stations come with wireless capability that will even allow you to control them remotely right from your phone and also send you alerts in a timely manner.

In those reviews, we look at some of the top weather stations that you can consider this season.

1. Netatmo Weather Station for Smartphone 4.1

Netatmo Weather Station for Smartphone features:

It comes with dimensions of 1.8 x 1.8 x 6 inches with a weight of 1lb.

It can send out notifications and issue graphical analysis.

It is designed with weatherproof capability.

It is compatible with both Android and iOS devices.

It can be connected to Amazon Alexa.

It is sufficient for measuring temperature, sound, barometric pressure, humidity and CO2 concentration.


This wireless weather station has the advantage of having sensors that are weatherproof therefore it can withstand any harsh weather. It can also be connected wirelessly to smartphones or tablets that run the Android and iOS operating system or remote control. Another benefit that it comes with is the fact that it is compatible with Amazon Alexa for voice control. You'll also get a very detailed overview of the prevailing weather conditions since it can measure up to five different elements at the same time. However, you cannot rely on its sensor for accurate temperature readings if you position it on the rooftop where it is exposed to the sun.

Full Netatmo Weather Station for Smartphone review »

Rating: 4.1 / 5 stars   (on 801 Amazon's customer reviews)

It comes in very small dimensions therefore and it is very light and quite portable.

You can set it to send you timely notifications on indoor air quality so that you can make any necessary adjustments.

It comes with Wi-Fi that that will allow you to control it remotely right from your Android and iOS devices.

You can access analysis of the weather conditions for the previous days so that you monitor trends that you need to be keen on.

It is compatible with Amazon Alexa which will allow you to control it using your voice for hands-free operation.

You will love it that it is weatherproof making it efficient to use both indoors and outdoors without any damage happening to it.

It measures a wide range of parameters like temperature and humidity which are very critical for you to monitor especially if you have a newborn or sick person in the house.


It has problems with accuracy.

2. Davis Instruments 6250 Weather Station 4.5

Davis Instruments 6250 Weather Station features:

It comes with dimensions of 19 x 15 x 7 inches with a weight of 6.5 lbs.

It is designed with an Integrated Sensor Suite and a console.

It comes with a widescreen LCD display for input of settings.

It has a glow-in-the-dark keypad.

It can measure weather elements like humidity, temperature, barometric pressure, rainfall, dew, and wind speed.

Its control and integrated sensor suite are able to connect wirelessly to a distance of up to 100 yards.

It is capable of providing graphical analysis of weather trends.

Its integrated sensor suite has the ability to store energy and it is powered by the use of solar.

Its console has time, date and alarm features.

It provides timely updates of both temperature and humidity.


This weather station has the advantage of a separate external sensor unit that will ensure you get very accurate weather readings. Added to it is a console you can connect wirelessly to the sensor by up to 100 yards. The console has a very white screened LCD display that comes with a glow-in-the-dark keypad. Is efficient in covering a variety of weather elements and will give you timely updates and store historical data of weather movements. However, you cannot control it remotely since it does not connect to either iOS or Android devices and the battery tends to malfunction in extremely cold temperatures.

Full Davis Instruments 6250 Weather Station review »

Rating: 4.5 / 5 stars   (on 662 Amazon's customer reviews)

It comes with an integrated sensor suite that will ensure that you get accurate and timely updates when positioned externally.

You will love that it is fitted with an Alarm that it uses to notify you in case the temperatures become harsh.

Its control unit comes with a white LCD display for adjustment of settings with a backlit keypad.

You can use it to get a graphical analysis of the weather trends of previous days.

It gives you frequent updates on temperature and humidity so that you can be aware of the weather in environment around the clock.

You can set its sensor unit at the best position to monitor the different weather elements at a distance of up to 100 yards from the console unit without losing signal.

Its integrated sensor unit comes with a mini-solar panel that powers it.

You will love that it measures a vast number of elements for you to be adequately updated about your weather surroundings.

It is capable of storing weather data for future reference.


It does not connect to iOS and android devices so you cannot control it remotely from your phone.

Its battery tends to malfunction during extremely cold temperatures.

3. AcuRite 00589 Weather Station 4.2

AcuRite 00589 Weather Station Features:

It comes with dimensions of 7.7 x 10.3 x 7.1 inches with a weight of 2.78 pounds.

It comes with a sensor unit that can measure temperature, wind, and humidity.

Its control unit comes with a widescreen colored LCD display.

It can offer historical analysis of different weather elements on a daily and monthly basis.

It gives updates of the highs and lows experienced with different weather elements.

It comes with self-calibrating technology.


This home weather system comes with a console and a sensor unit that you can position outside to collect accurate data on the prevailing weather conditions. The sensor is designed to focus on collecting data regarding humidity, temperature, and barometric pressure. Its console has a very widescreen full-color LCD display that is fitted with icons for easy use. It is capable of giving you historical data on a daily or monthly basis and the highs and the lows of the weather elements it monitors. However, it will be good if it had an alarm to alert you of adverse weather conditions from the forecast it receives thanks to its self-calibrating technology.

Full AcuRite 00589 Weather Station review »

Rating: 4.2 / 5 stars   (on 450 Amazon's customer reviews)

It comes with a sensor unit that can be positioned outdoors to collect accurate data on temperature, wind, and humidity.

You can adjust its settings right from an LCD display that is designed with full color and icons to make it very easy for you to maneuver around it.

It will give you graphical representation and historical data on a daily or a monthly basis so that you are able to monitor the weather trends.

You will love it that it works with self-calibrating technology that can provide you with a very reliable forecast of the weather in your surroundings.

It will give you notifications on the highs and lows of the different weather elements that it measures so that you are up-to-date on the variations of weather and the measures that you can take to counter them.

You do not need to worry about battery replacement cost since its battery is designed to last for up to two years.


Its sensor only focuses on three weather elements.

It does not come with an alarm to alert you of adverse weather.

4. Ambient WS-0900-IP Weather Station 3.9

Ambient WS-0900-IP Weather Station features:

It comes with dimensions of 6.8 x 1.5 x 4.5 inches with a weight of 4 lbs.

It comes with a sensor unit with wireless capability (Frequency of 915MHZ)

It is capable of measuring Wind speed, wind direction, rainfall, temperature and humidity.

It is capable of providing graphical analysis of the weather elements it monitors.

Its sensors can be wirelessly connected to both Android and iOS devices.

It records and archives historical data daily, monthly, yearly or on a customized basis.

It comes with an observerIP that collects and sends data to a personal weather station hosting service.

It comes with an indoor thermo-hygrometer barometer and an outdoor thermo-hygrometer


This is one wireless weather station that you can always rely on to give you very accurate weather readings since it comes with a sensor that can capture up to 5 different weather elements. It also has the capacity to record and archive the different weather data that it collects for the sake of forecasting future weather. Something else is that it has other sensors that can be relied on to give accurate readings on both internal and external temperature and humidity. However, one feature that is predominantly lacking in this smart weather station is the fact that it does not come with alarms that can be really effective in alerting you to adverse weather for preparation.

Full Ambient WS-0900-IP Weather Station review »

Rating: 3.9 / 5 stars   (on 118 Amazon's customer reviews)

It has a wireless capability that works with a very high frequency to ensure the transmission of data is in real-time and fast.

You will love it that it can measure a wide range of weather elements that are very critical thereby keeping you updated on weather changes without the need for other devices.

It can generate graphical representations of the data it collects so that you can monitor the weather changes in the environment closely.

You can control it remotely since it connects to both Android and iOS operated phones.

It has the capacity to archive data on a daily, monthly, daily basis or on a customized basis depending on your preferences.

It comes with an observerIP that transmits the data it collects online to a personal weather station hosting service.

You will love it that it comes with two separate sensor units that are capable of monitoring both internal and external weather conditions.


It does not come with an alarm for timely alerts on adverse weather changes.

5. AcuRite 01535M Weather Station 3.8

AcuRite 01535M Weather Station features:

It comes with dimensions of 0.6 x 7.7 x 3.5 inches with a weight of 4.1 lbs.

Its controller comes with a widescreen LCD display that is full color.

It comes with a wireless weather sensor that can measure temperature, rain, wind speed, wind direction, and humidity.

It can accommodate the AcuRite lightning detector.

It comes with programmable alarms.

It has the capacity to archive the data it records on a daily, monthly, and yearly basis.

Its weather station comes with an inbuilt thermometer and hygrometer.

It's sensor’s battery is capable of lasting for 2 years.

Its LCD backlight can be dimmed at night


This smart weather station comes with a wireless sensor made of a plastic exterior that you set up outdoors to detect all the critical weather elements. It also has the capacity to record and archive data for you so that you can always retrieve it to monitor weather trends. You can program its alarms to help alert you to any possible drastic weather changes for preparations. At a fee, you can expand it to accommodate a lightning detector that can be vital in helping you to counter the possible effects of lightning before it happens. However, it would have been very good if its weather station display came with battery backup to counter any power blackouts.

Full AcuRite 01535M Weather Station review »

Rating: 3.8 / 5 stars   (on 66 Amazon's customer reviews)

Its weather station display comes with a full color large LCD screen that enables you to switch between dashboards and different icons to locate its diverse Settings.

You can program its alarm to alert you when certain conditions have been met by the prevailing weather environment so that you take appropriate action.

It records and stores all the data of the different weather elements it monitors so that you can access it in future in case you need to go and analyze the trends.

You will love it that the weather station comes with an inbuilt thermometer and hygrometer that take up precise measurements of the indoor temperature and humidity respectively.

It saves you the cost of purchasing replacement batteries since the batteries it comes with lasts for up to two years.

You can expand it at an additional cost to include a lightning detector you can use to predict direction and intensity of lightning so that you are adequately prepared.


Its weather station display is powered using electricity and so you can be greatly inconvenienced in case of a power blackout.

6. AcuRite 01512 Wireless Weather Station 4.1

AcuRite 01512 Wireless Weather Station features:

It comes with dimensions of 8.1 x 2.6 x 6.8 inches with a weight of 5.62 lbs.

It comes with a wireless weather sensor that can measure temperature, rain, wind speed, wind direction, and humidity.

It works with a weather ticker.

It comes with a full-color LCD display that is dimmable.

Its Weather station display is powered through the use of electricity with the option of battery backup.

It works with self calibrating technology.

Its sensor is fitted with batteries that can last for up to two years.


This weather station is capable of self-calibration to ensure you get very accurate weather forecasts. You also have the option of powering it using electricity and batteries as backup. It comes with a weather station that has a very well designed LCD display that you can always dim at night so that it is comfortable to the eyes. However, its internal sensors are designed to measure five different elements at the same time and so if you position it at the very top of the roof you actually expose it to more heat from the sun which will relay inaccurate temperature readings.

Full AcuRite 01512 Wireless Weather Station review »

Rating: 4.1 / 5 stars   (on 877 Amazon's customer reviews)

It has the capacity to measure the five weather elements that are very important for you to monitor and relay that information to you.

You will love it that is capable of streaming live data right onto the display as text messages to give you timely updates.

Its weather station backlight can be dimmed to work with an intensity that is comfortable to the eyes during the night.

You can trust its weather station to still be up in the event of a power blackout since it comes with a battery backup option in addition to the electricity option that it works with.

It can collect and analyze data collected over a 24-hour period to give you accurate forecasts of the kind of weather to expect.

You will enjoy using its LCD display since it comes with different features that make it efficient for monitoring elements like barometric pressure, wind speed, and direction.

It measures both indoor and outdoor temperature and humidity.


The fact that its sensor can measure up to five elements puts in a position to record inaccurate data when it comes to temperature since for it to measure speed and wind direction accurately it needs to be high and exposed which opens it up to heating from the sun.

7. Ambient Weather WS-2902 Weather Station 4.5

Ambient Weather WS-2902 Weather Station Features:

It comes with a widescreen LCD Color display for the monitoring of the different weather elements.

It works with sensors that can measure up to 7 weather elements.

It comes with Wi-Fi capability.

It supports both imperial and metric unit measures.

It is designed to measure UV, solar radiation, humidity, external temperature, radiation, wind direction, wind speed.

It is compatible with Alexa, IFTTT, and other home automation systems.

It provides graphical analysis of the weather data collected.( Daily, Monthly, Yearly)

The console is powered using both 3 AAA batteries and electricity.


Some of the most outstanding features of this wireless home weather station are that it comes with a wireless outdoor sensor that can monitor up to seven different elements at the same time. It also has a console with a white screen color LCD display that we can use to get timely updates of the elements being monitored. And the beauty of this LCD display is that you can dim it lights at night. You can also connect it to home automation systems thanks to the fact that it is compatible with IFTTT. Since it has Wi-Fi capability you can connect to a personal weather station (Wunderground) that you can use to stream your data compared with other data that has been collected.

Full Ambient Weather WS-2902 Weather Station review »

Rating: 4.5 / 5 stars   (on 352 Amazon's customer reviews)

It comes with very sensitive sensors that you can position outdoors for you to collect very accurate data.

You will love that it Works with a wireless operation to stream data from the sensors to the console for timely updates.

It You will love it that it can be connected with IFTTT to allow you to integrate it with other home automation systems for a smart operation.

Its console is powered by electricity and backup batteries that will keep you covered in case of an electric blackout.

You will love that it comes with Wi-Fi features that allow you to monitor the data right from your phone and also connect with wunderground- a personal weather station that will give you detailed graphical analysis of your weather data in comparison to other data gathered.

It can monitor and record up to seven different weather elements to allow you to have a very good overview of the weather in your environment.

You can dim the lights on the LCD display to protect your eyes at night.


It can only work with a 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi so if you don't have one that has such a capacity you will need to upgrade.

Its sensor is designed to measure all elements at the same time; therefore, it might give you inaccurate temperature readings during seasons where the sun is shining quite low.

8. Excelvan Professional Wireless Weather Station 3.2

Excelvan Professional Wireless Weather Station features:

It comes with a wireless sensitive outdoor sensor.

Its sensors are powered using solar.

Its console has a widescreen LCD display.

It can measure up to five different elements; temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, barometric pressure, UV.

It comes with a USB port for connection to personal computers.

Its weather station can be wall mounted or stand alone.

It has Weather icons for the different elements that it monitors.


The smart weather station comes with external sensors which will ensure that you are capable of getting very accurate readings of the different weather elements that you are measuring. The sensors are powered through the use of solar which can be very convenient for you in case the batteries run out and you are not in a position to replace them immediately. it is also capable of measuring up to five different weather elements which makes it very convenient for you to have a good overview of the weather conditions. However, it does not work with Amazon Alexa and has no Wi-Fi capability.

Full Excelvan Professional Wireless Weather Station review »

Rating: 3.2 / 5 stars   (on 77 Amazon's customer reviews)

You can trust it to give you a very accurate temperature reading since it comes with a wireless outdoor sensor that is very sensitive.

Its Sensors are powered through the use of solar therefore you can rely on them even when the batteries have run out and you're used to making replacements.

You will love it that it can Measure up to five different elements essential to give you a very good overview of the prevailing weather conditions.

It can be connected to computers via USB eliminating the need for Internet connections which can sometimes be slow and time-consuming.

You have the option of either wall-mounting the weather station or positioning it on a table and this will give you a very high level of flexibility and the ways you can position it.

It comes with a widescreen LCD display that makes it very easy to use the device.


It is not compatible with Alexa; therefore, you cannot control it using your voice.

It does not come with Wi-Fi so you cannot access it remotely from your smartphone.

9. LA CROSSE Weather Station 3.7

LA CROSSE Weather Station features:

It comes with dimensions of 15.1 x 11.1 x 1.9 inches with a weight of 1.81 lbs.

It is powered by the use of batteries and electricity.

It has Wi-Fi capability with a range of up to 400 feet.

It is designed to measure temperature, humidity, time, and date.

It is capable of analyzing data and delivering weather forecasts.

It can be accessed remotely on both iOS and Android smartphones.


This home weather station comes with a Wi-Fi capability with a range of up to 400 feet. It is also designed in such a way that it can analyze all the data that has been collected and project future weather conditions. Another thing is that you can control it remotely right from your phone on the Lacrosse View app. It is powered by the use of both batteries and electricity which can be very convenient in different situations. However, it does not come with an external sensor, therefore, you might not get the right temperature readings and it does not measure other weather elements like rainfall.

Full LA CROSSE Weather Station review »

Rating: 3.7 / 5 stars   (on 11 Amazon's customer reviews)

You can power it either using electricity or batteries.

It comes with Wi-Fi capability which means you can always connect it to either your smartphones or tablets to control the device remotely.

You will love it that its Wi-Fi range is quite wide to ensure that you can access and control the device from any area of your house.

It can analyze the data collected and forecast the future weather to ensure that you get timely alerts especially in case of adverse weather.

You can use it on both Android and iOS devices effortlessly.


It does not come with external sensors; therefore, getting accurate outdoors temperatures can be a challenge.

It does not measure some weather elements like rainfall.

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