URPOWER Essential Oil Diffuser Review

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URPOWER Essential Oil Diffuser

Category: Essential Oil Diffusers, Brand: URPOWER , Model: Essential Oil Diffuser
URPOWER Essential Oil Diffuser
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Rating: 4.4 / 5 stars
(on 3192 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2016
Basic info:
Size: 4 x 5 x 12 in
10 x 13 x 30 cm
Weight: 1 lb
0.45 kg
Color Light: 7
Material: Plastic
Capacity of water tank: 130 ml
Warking time: 3-6 h
Automatic shut-off:
Amazon's price:
20.99 $
Item URL for sale on:Amazon.com

Video Review


You can choose to operate it using one of the two settings that it comes with that allow you to use it either intermittently or continuously.

It comes in very small dimensions and so it is very easy to find space for it.

You can use it to add a touch of elegance to your rooms thanks to its classy wooden finish exterior.

It can also be adjusted by over seven different LED lighting color schemes to create the desired mood in any room.

You can use it for rooms that are up to 250 sq. efficiently.


It does not come with a timer setting.

It does not work for longer periods both on the continuous and intermittent settings compared to other aroma diffusers within the same category.

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