INSMART Cordless Water Flosser Review

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INSMART Cordless Water Flosser

Category: Hearing Aids, Brand: INSMART , Model: Cordless Water Flosser
INSMART Cordless Water Flosser
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Rating: 4.3 / 5 stars
(on 108 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2016
Basic info:
Weight: 1 lb
0.45 kg
Color: White
Water tank capacity: 200ml
Modes: 3
Cleaning cycle: 120 s
Power Source:
Battery type: lithium-ion
Rechargeable Battery:
Amazon's price:
58.00 $
Item URL for sale

The most outstanding thing about this dental water flosser is the fact that it comes with rechargeable batteries that are long-lasting. It also works with very high pulses that will help protect your teeth from plaque and gingivitis. You can also choose from three different pressure modes to ensure it meets your needs perfectly. Cleaning it is very easy since the tank is detachable from the main flosser unit. However, it comes with a much smaller tank capacity and therefore you will need to do continuous refilling if you're going to use it for an extended time.


It saves you battery replacement costs since it is powered by the use of rechargeable lithium-ion batteries.

You can use it safely in the shower without the risk of electrocution since it is waterproof.

It works with powerful pulses that are capable of dislodging any debris stuck in the tooth to eliminate chances of developing gingivitis.

You can adjust its pressure settings by 3 different modes to meet needs of different age groups or just handle sensitive teeth gently.

It is easy to clean the tank since it is designed separately from the dental flosser itself.

You can use it for long periods without the need for frequent recharging since its battery lasts for up to two weeks on a full charge.


Its tank capacity is not that big compared with other products in the market which have tank capacities three times the 200ml capacity that it has.

You need to tell tilt it to an angle when the water levels in the tank are low which can be both annoying and inconveniencing.

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