Kitchen Boss Vacuum Sealer Review

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Kitchen Boss Vacuum Sealer

Category: Hearing Aids, Brand: Kitchen Boss , Model: Vacuum Sealer
Kitchen Boss Vacuum Sealer
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Rating: 4.0 / 5 stars
(on 209 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2016
Basic info:
Size: 5.3 x 2.6 x 14.8 in
13 x 7 x 38 cm
Weight: 3.5 lb
1.6 kg
For dry food:
For moist food:
Air Suction Hose:
Wine Stopper Cork:
Amazon's price:
59.99 $
Item URL for sale

This food vacuum sealer comes with a very powerful suction power since it is made of a commercial grade pump which is very efficient in eliminating the air in any food sealer bags. You will also enjoy using it with the delicate food items as it allows you to manually control the suction pump to prevent their damage. It is multifunctional and can be used to seal both food and commercial documents. Its one drawback is that it does not come with a cutter.

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It is very portable so you can use it for travels.

You can trust it to suck all the air in the bags efficiently thanks to its commercial-grade vacuum pump.

It can be used on delicate foods without damage since its suction pump can be manually controlled.

You will have an easy time storing it due to its small size and internal cord storage.

It comes with stain resistant housing which will ensure you have an easy time while cleaning it.

You can use it to seal food even when you do not need to use the vacuum.

It comes with very simple buttons that make it very easy to operate.


It does not come with its own cutter.

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