Littermaid LM980 Mega Self-Cleaning Litter Box Review

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Littermaid LM980 Mega Self-Cleaning Litter Box

Category: Hearing Aids, Brand: Littermaid , Model: LM980 Mega Self-Cleaning Litter Box
Littermaid LM980 Mega Self-Cleaning Litter Box
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Rating: 3.0 / 5 stars
(on 1736 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2016
Basic info:
Size: 17.7 x 9.8 x 2.8 in
45 x 25 x 7 cm
Weight: 13.33 lb
6 kg
Color: White
Health counter:
Automatic timer:
Automatic night light:
Wet cleaning:
Amazon's price:
104.44 $
Item URL for sale

This litter box stands out since it is made of long walls that will prevent the clamping clay from falling on the floor in case your cat decides to play around inside it. You'll also love it that it goes a long way to prevent any form of tracking since it has an exit ramp that is textured to hold any litter the cat is coming out with from the litter box. It is also designed to prevent odor from developing thanks to the carbon filters in the unit. However, it will have been good if it came with a very strong motor that can be used to eliminate even the strongest of clumps.

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It is wide enough to accommodate different cats at the same time with adequate space.

You can easily remove its rake for easy cleaning to maintain a healthy environment for your cats.

Its sidewalls are long enough to prevent any spills from happening to ensure your cat does not leave a mess behind.

You will love it that it comes with textured exit ramps that will go a long way in preventing tracking as it holds back clamps stuck on the cat's feet.

It is fitted with motion sensors that can detect when it is being used or when the cat has exited to start a cleaning cycle.

You will love it that it is fitted with four different carbon filters that are specifically for preventing odor from developing once the litter box has been used by the cat.

It can fit multiple cats comfortably making it ideal for a multicat household.


Litter tends to fall off on the ground when it is being raked into the waste bin.

Its motor is not strong enough to dislodge pee balls that have been stuck on the floor of the litter box.

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