CHEE MONG Herb Garden Kit Review

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CHEE MONG Herb Garden Kit

Category: Pedometers, Brand: CHEE MONG , Model: Herb Garden Kit
CHEE MONG Herb Garden Kit
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Rating: 4.6 / 5 stars
(on 3 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2017
Basic info:
Size: 14.8 x 4.3 x 11 in
38 x 11 x 28 cm
Weight: 6.02 lb
2.7 kg
LCD Display:
LED power: 8 W
Plants Quantity: 18
Hydroponics technology:
Amazon's price:
67.99 $
Item URL for sale

Since it employs hydroponic technology you can trust your plants to grow 5 times faster in this Indoor garden kit. You will love its light sensor that has the ability to dim the lighting system of the unit in response to infiltration of natural light to save on energy. Its reservoir is also partially transparent to ensure that you can monitor the water level to refill it so that your plants have sufficient water. Another thing is that it comes in small dimensions; therefore, it will not be an issue finding space for it within your house. However, you cannot control it remotely since it doesn't have Wi-Fi capabilities and it does not send out notifications for you to add water or nutrients, therefore, you need to be very alert.


It comes in sizable dimensions; therefore, it will not take up much space in your house.

You will love it that your plants have the capacity to grow 5 times faster thanks to the fact that it uses hydroponic technology that relies on water and not soil for maximum absorption of nutrients.

It comes with a built-in sensor that is capable of adjusting the intensity of the lights based on infiltration of natural light to save on energy.

You can operate its lighting system using two modes; the planting mode that supports the growth of the plants and the reading mode which you can use for study.

It comes with a reservoir tank that is partly transparent and that means you can always know when the water needs to be refilled to ensure that the plants have sufficient water support.

You can use it to grow different kinds of plants including fresh herbs, vegetables, flowers and salad greens.


It cannot be controlled remotely since it does not have Wi-Fi capabilities.

It does not send out notifications to remind you to add nutrients and water to the unit.

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