Hoont Electric Mouse Trap Review

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Hoont Electric Mouse Trap

Category: Pedometers, Brand: Hoont , Model: Electric Mouse Trap
Hoont Electric Mouse Trap
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Rating: 2.3 / 5 stars
(on 68 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2016
Basic info:
Size: 7.9 x 4.4 x 3.4 in
20 x 11 x 9 cm
Weight: 0.97 lb
0.44 kg
Color: Black
Sound Alarm:
Indicator light :
Electric shock: 7000V
Batteries Type: 4D
Amazon's price:
49.99 $
Item URL for sale on:Amazon.com

You can power this electric mouse trap either through the use of electricity or 4 D batteries which give you flexibility when one of those options is not available. It also works with Smart Circuit Technology which is very effective when it comes to detecting the target once its steps into the trap. It also kills them instantly using a voltage of 7000 volts. However, it comes in very small dimensions which make it less effective in killing rats and it does come with an alarm for audio alerts.


It can be used to kill up to 30 mice using the 4 D batteries fitted into it before a replacement is needed which is cost saving.

You will love it that it comes in small dimensions which do not take up much space; therefore, finding a hidden place to position it will be very easy.

It is very efficient when it comes to detecting a target immediately it steps into the trap since it works with smart detection technology.

You can trust it to kill the mouse trapped instantly and with minimal pain as it uses 7000 volts to deliver a shock.

It comes with a very long power cord which will allow you to use it at quite some distance away from a power source for a perfect position.

You get to be free from using poisons which can be harmful to you or other members of your household especially children.


It is only perfect for mice and not rats due to its size.

It does not come with an alarm for audio alerts after a kill has been made.

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