Kitchen Selectives Electric Can Opener Review

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Kitchen Selectives Electric Can Opener

Category: Pedometers, Brand: Kitchen Selectives , Model: Electric Can Opener
Kitchen Selectives Electric Can Opener
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Rating: 3.7 / 5 stars
(on 46 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2016
Basic info:
Size: 6.8 x 4.5 x 11.5 in
17 x 11 x 29 cm
Weight: 2.2 lb
1 kg
Color: Aqua
Can Size: Standart
Lead holder:
Automatic shut off:
Knife sharpener:
Bag Cutter:
Bottle Opener:
Amazon's price:
45.99 $
Item URL for sale

One of the things that you will love about this electric can opener is the fact that it is multifunctional. In addition to opening cans, you can use it to open bottles and also sharpen your knives. You will also have a very easy time while cleaning it since its cutting unit is removable. When it comes to storage the cord is easily wrapped behind the unit for stress-free management. The only issue with it is that it is quite noisy when powered.


It has a small footprint so it will not occupy much space on the countertop.

You can also use it to open bottles and sharpen your knives.

Cleaning it is very easy as its cutting unit is easily removable for cleaning.

Its cord is easy to manage as it can be stored at the back of the unit once done.

It works for cans of all sizes.


It is quite noisy.

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