N/A Classic Electric Rat Trap Review

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N/A Classic Electric Rat Trap

Category: Pedometers, Brand: N/A , Model: Classic Electric Rat Trap
N/A Classic Electric Rat Trap
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Rating: 3.7 / 5 stars
(on 2367 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2016
Basic info:
Size: 12 x 4.3 x 4.5 in
30 x 11 x 11 cm
Weight: 1.5 lb
0.68 kg
Color: Violet
Sound Alarm:
Indicator light :
Electric shock: 800V
Batteries Type: 4AA
Amazon's price:
35.56 $
Item URL for sale on:Amazon.com

This is one mouse zapper that you can rely on to deliver instant and painless death to every rodent that comes into contact with it. The fact that it comes with a wide rodent tunnel means it is very efficient for capturing both large and small sized rodents. It is also designed with bait holes that prove very crucial in helping the rat to detect the bait that you have used to attract the mice to the trap. Another thing is that it is powered by the use of batteries so you'll get to save on energy costs. However, it does not come with an alarm which can be very crucial when it comes to notifying you when it has made a kill while positioned in a much hidden place.


It comes in very small dimensions therefore finding space for it that is discrete is very easy.

You get to save on energy costs since it is powered by the use of batteries which can last for up to 60 days.

It can kill rodents instantly and with no pain since it is designed to discharge very high voltage on a target which is fast and efficient.

You can trust it to eliminate both large and small rodents since it comes with a very wide rodent tunnel.

It comes with bait holes that are very efficient when it comes to attracting the rodents to the device since it helps spread the aroma of the bait.


It does not come with an alarm for audio alerts.

Its parts are not detachable for easy cleaning.

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