Zoë Ayla Makeup Brush Cleaner & Dryer Review

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Zoë Ayla Makeup Brush Cleaner & Dryer

Category: Pedometers, Brand: Zoë Ayla , Model: Makeup Brush Cleaner & Dryer
Zoë Ayla Makeup Brush Cleaner & Dryer
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Rating: 3.2 / 5 stars
(on 123 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2017
Basic info:
Weight: 15.5 oz
439 g
Bowl Material: Glass
Cleaning Time: 30 s
Collar Stand:
Battery: 3AAA
Amazon's price:
32.99 $
Item URL for sale on:Amazon.com

If you have always had problems with cleaning your make up brushes then this electric makeup brush cleaner solves all your problems. It comes with a spinner that is powered by the use of simple AAA batteries that you can attach to your brush using a spindle and a collar. The spinner not only ensures that your brush is cleaned but also dried. You also get a collar stand that you can use to hold the cleaned brushes ready for use. It protects you from splashes during cleaning using a rubber bowl ring. However, it spins slowly or does not spin at all when used with very big brushes.


It is powered by the use of batteries and they consume very little of this energy making them quite energy efficient.

You get a clear glass high-quality bowl that is durable with a wide neck that can accommodate all types of brush sizes.

It comes with 8 different sized brush collars that can accommodate all types of brushes so you can use it even if you have a diverse brush set of average size.

You get a collar stand that you can use to safely keep the collars and store your already cleaned brushes.

It spins very fast to ensure that your brush is thoroughly cleaned and dried.

You are protected from liquid splashes during cleaning by a rubber bowl ring that you insert on the collar of the bowl.

It has a spindle that firmly attaches the collar to the handle for easy spinning.


It does not work for very large brushes that are quite heavy.

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