Pioneer Pet Drinking Fountain Review

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Pioneer Pet Drinking Fountain

Category: Pet Water Fountains, Brand: Pioneer , Model: Pet Drinking Fountain
Pioneer Pet Drinking Fountain
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Rating: 3.7 / 5 stars
(on 4458 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2016
Basic info:
Size: 11.5 x 9 x 4.5 in
29 x 23 x 11 cm
Weight: 2.5 lb
1.1 kg
Color: Metal
Material: Stainless steel
Water Capacity: 60 oz
Safe Dishwasher:
Fillters: Carbon
Amazon's price:
41.00 $
Old price:69.99 $
You save:28.99 $
Item URL for sale

This pet drinking fountain is made of stainless steel that ensures that it is both easy to clean and durable. It is fitted with carbon filters that will go a long way in ensuring that the water that the pets drink is free of any form of contaminants or chlorine from tap water. You will also have an easy time cleaning it since its crucial parts are detachable for easy access. However, it is not ideal for use in a multi-pet household since it does not come with a 360 design that can accommodate different pets at the same time.


It comes with sizeable dimensions; therefore, fitting it in your house won't be much of a problem.

You will love it that you do not need to do frequent refueling since it comes with a large capacity reservoir.

It is very easy to clean as it is made of stainless steel which also gives it a high level of durability.

You can trust it to keep the water that your pets drink clean and pure thanks to the carbon filters that eliminate any form of contaminant coming in touch with the water.

Its parts are detachable for easy maintenance and cleaning.


It does not come with a 360 design for the cats to drink from the fountain.

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