Tiger Chef Warmer

Category: Electric Buffet Servers, Brand: Tiger Chef , Model: Warmer
Tiger Chef Warmer
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Rating: 4.5 / 5 stars
(on 153 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2016
Basic info:
Size: 24 x 14 x 6 in
61 x 36 x 15 cm
Weight: 11.25 lb
5.1 kg
Material: Stainless steel
Heating Trays: 1
Removable food tray:
Spoon holders:
Amazon's price:
55.00 $
Item URL for sale on:Amazon.com

You will love this Buffet server since it uses fuel instead of electricity which will help you save up on energy costs. It is also made of stainless steel which makes it durable and quite easy to clean. Setting it up is also very fast thanks to its collapsible frame which means you also get to store it easily when not in use. Even though the heated water bath will save you energy costs and warm the food evenly, it will take time for it to achieve sufficient heating temperatures. Also, if you happen to host parties frequently, it will be costly purchasing disposable pans every other time.


It is very easy to clean since it is made of stainless steel which also makes it very durable.

You can collapse its frame which ensures easy setup, storage or transfer.

It uses a water bath that is heated using fuel which makes it ideal for outdoor catering where the access to electricity is limited.

You can use it with disposable half size pans which will reduce the amount of cleaning you need to do afterward.

It has the capacity to warm up food evenly since it uses a heated water bath for warming the food.

You save up on some energy costs since it uses fuel for heating.


It uses a water bath for warming the food which takes time to heat up and warm food appropriately.

It works with disposal pans which can be costly in the long term as you need to purchase new ones every time you are hosting a party.

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