AeroGarden Herbie Kid's Garden Review

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AeroGarden Herbie Kid's Garden

Category: Facial Massage Machines, Brand: AeroGarden , Model: Herbie Kid's Garden
AeroGarden Herbie Kid's Garden
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Rating: 4.0 / 5 stars
(on 26 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2017
Basic info:
Size: 11 x 6 x 15 in
28 x 15 x 38 cm
Weight: 3 lb
1.4 kg
LCD Display:
LED power: 8 W
Plants Quantity: 2
Hydroponics technology:
Amazon's price:
59.95 $
Item URL for sale

This indoor garden kit is ideal for playtime with children and it comes in small dimensions which do not take up that much space. It uses hydroponics technology which will ensure the plants grow much faster than if they were planted in soil. You love it that you can grow the plants indoors without the need for exposure to direct sunlight thanks to the fact that it comes with a lamp system that can support photosynthesis sufficiently. However, one disadvantage that it has is that it cannot be controlled remotely and it has the capacity to only support two plants at the same time.


It comes in small dimensions; therefore, it won't take up much space in your house which is very convenient.

Your plants will be able to absorb nutrients very fast thanks to the fact that it uses hydroponics technology which mainly relies on water and not soil.

It will ensure that your plants can still generate their own food while indoors thanks to the 8 watts LED lamp system that is capable to support photosynthesis in the plants.

You will love it that its reservoir has a water level marker which will ensure that you fill it with just the adequate amount of water for sufficient growth of the plants.

It is fun to use by kids thanks to the fact that it comes with a 32-page activity book which they can always refer to find ideas that it can model around learning and playtime.

You and your kids will have a very easy time operating it since it comes with a control panel with a simple on and off switch.


It cannot be controlled remotely.

It has the capacity to support only two kinds of plants.

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