Dentive Teeth Whitening Tray Review

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Dentive Teeth Whitening Tray

Category: Facial Massage Machines, Brand: Dentive , Model: Teeth Whitening Tray
Dentive Teeth Whitening Tray
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Rating: 4.3 / 5 stars
(on 55 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2016
Basic info:
Weight: 3.2 oz
90 g
Accelerator light:
LED light:
Mouth Mold Tray:
Storage Case:
Amazon's price:
19.99 $
Item URL for sale

This is a very powerful teeth whitening kit since it comes with LED lights that are fitted with 16 different bulbs but make it very powerful for our teeth whitening process. It does not cause any form of sensitivity to the enamel and it works with a mouth tray that is elastic for it to fit in any mouth comfortably. You also get a shade guide that you can always use to monitor your progress after several treatments. However, it does not come with a timer or vitamin E swabs and the gels that you need to use it for so you will need to purchase some of these items separately which will increase your costs.


It has 16 different bulbs on its LED which makes it very powerful for efficient teeth whitening process.

You will love its mouth tray since it is made of elastic material that makes it fit very easily on the mouth to cover the teeth adequately for whitening.

It can be powered by other portable devices and it comes with adaptors that support these different devices from Android, iPhone to USB.

You can monitor the progress your teeth are making after several treatments through the use of a shade guide that it comes with.

It has an enhancing effect on strips, gels, or toothpaste that make sure that they work very effectively to whiten your teeth.

You can use it without it causing any form of sensitivity to the enamel.


It does not come with vitamin E swabs.

It does not come with gels or toothpaste.

It does not come with a timer.

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