Hamilton Beach 25360 Review

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Hamilton Beach 25360

Category: Facial Massage Machines, Brand: Hamilton Beach , Model: 25360
CHOOSE IT AS: Indoor Grill that delivers Outdoor Grill Results
Hamilton Beach 25360
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Rating: 4.7 / 5 stars
(on 666 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2014
Basic info:
Size: 12.2 x 16.9 x 6.7 in
31 x 42.9 x 17 cm
Weight: 8.1 lb
3.7 kg
Color: Silver
Coating Type: Non-stick
Material Type: Stainless Steel Lid
Grilling Surface Area: 118 sq. in
761 sq. cm
Removable Stand:
Drip Tray:
Fat-Removing Slope:
Temperature Control:
Cooking Area Type:
Capacity: 3-4 steaks
Amazon's price:
70.47 $
Item URL for sale on:Amazon.com

Technical Specifications of The Hamilton Beach 25360 Searing Grill

-The grill comes with dimensions of 6.81 x 16. 73 x 12.4 inches for the height, width, and depth respectively with a grilling surface that is 118 square inches. 

-It comes with an adjustable temperature range that extends from 200 degrees to 450 degrees which is adequate to meet your grilling needs when it comes to the temperatures required.

-It comes fitted with indicator lights that you can set to inform you whether you have reached the ideal temperature that you want. 

-All the grilling surfaces of the grill are made of a non-stick material that will make it easy for you when it comes to doing your cleaning afterward. 

-It is designed in such a way that the hood and the drip tray are removable after you are done with grilling so that you can clean them.

Benefits of Using the Hamilton Beach 25360 Searing Grill

Able To Attain High Searing Temperatures

The best electric grill should be able to subject the meat that you are trying to grill to optimal temperatures. This grill will subject your meat to high searing temperatures that come with several advantages to you. First, your meat will end up with a delicious flavor which is important especially if you are entertaining guests. It will ensure that your grilled meat ends up with a very appetizing color that can improve the overall outlook of your meal. And high searing temperatures are also known to kill any bacteria that lurks on top of the meat. Thus it will safeguard your health too.

Easy To Clean Non-stick surfaces

If you do some grilling regularly, then you understand that the cleaning afterward can be such a chore if you don’t use the right equipment. To be able to overcome this challenge this grill comes with a nonstick cooking plate which is removable. To your advantage, this means it can be cleaned separately from the grill. I find this not only time-saving but also very vital in ensuring that the grill is properly cleaned. And if you prefer to do your cleaning using a dishwasher, then it is designed in such a way that you can use it in your dishwasher. The cooking surfaces of this indoor grill are also non-stick so that you can be able to have a stress-free cleaning experience afterward.

Offers You a Range of Grilling Temperatures

A range of temperatures with which you can grill is also critical for an exceptional grilling experience. This indoor grill gives you a grilling range that varies from temperatures of 200 degrees to up to 450 degrees which you can adjust to fit your needs. You will find this necessary, especially when grilling different meats that require you to subject them to various temperatures as you cook them. It could also prove helpful when you are cooking some meat that will require you to subject it to different temperatures at different stages so that you obtain the right flavor and achieve that appetizing color.


It Comes with Indicator Lights

Unlike the traditional grills, this electric bbq grill works with you so that you can achieve great grilling results. It is fitted with indicator lights that will help you know when the grill has attained your ideal temperature. In case you are doing a lot of cooking this can help you shift your focus to other things without the worry that the food that you have on the indoor grill is going to be burnt.

Offers a Sizeable Grilling Surface

Hosting a big family event that will require you do a lot of grilling? You need not worry about that with this grill as one thing that it comes with is space that is enough to help you do all that. The grilling area is some 118 square inches. And this will see to it that you can have up to 8 servings being grilled at the same time. Therefore hosting a large number of people for your next grilling party won't be a problem once you have this electric bbq grill with you.

Cons of the Hamilton Beach 25360 Searing Grill

It produces a lot of smoke when you are grilling. So in case you are looking for a grill that you would use indoors, it is not the ideal grill for you as you will need to use it in an area that is well ventilated.

Remember earlier we mentioned that the grill has an 118 square inch cooking surface? Yes, this can only mean that to use this grill efficiently as an indoor grill you will need to have adequate space. So if you have a squeezed kitchen, it might not be the ideal electric bbq grill for your needs unless you intend to use it as an outdoor electric grill.

Another concern is that the plug that comes with it is very short which can be very limiting in case your sockets are far away from your grilling area. You can still use it despite this, but you will need to find out ways of ensuring it is plugged into the power source.

Most good electric bbq grills have two grilling plates that will see to it that your meat cooks up sufficiently without the need to turn it around regularly. This grill however only comes with one grilling plate, and so you have to keep turning the meat to ensure that it is properly cooked.


So is the Hamilton Beach 25360 Searing Grill the best in the market? Probably not! But given the range of benefits that it comes with, it ranks up there as one of the best grills to have in your kitchen. Of course, it has its drawbacks, but it is an indoor electric grill worth giving a try.


Able To Attain High Searing Temperatures;

Easy To Clean Non-stick surfaces;

Offers You a Range of Grilling Temperatures;

It Comes with Indicator Lights;

Offers a Size able Grilling Surface.


A lot of smoke;

To large cooking area for indoor grilling;

To short electric cord;

Only one grilling plate.

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