Laopao LED Camping Lantern Review

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Laopao LED Camping Lantern

Category: Facial Massage Machines, Brand: Laopao , Model: LED Camping Lantern
Laopao LED Camping Lantern
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Rating: 4.9 / 5 stars
(on 27 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2016
Basic info:
Size: 3.5 x 3.5 x 2.36 in
9 x 9 x 6 cm
Weight: 6.7 oz
190 g
Type of bulb: LED
Light Flux: 24 to 200 lm
Battery type: Lithium-ion 5200mAh
Duration: 100 hours
Charge Type: USB cable
Lighting modes: SOS mode, strobe mode, high, low and middle brightness
Waterproof: IP65
ON/OFF button:
FM radio:
Amazon's price:
21.99 $
Item URL for sale

You'll love this camping lantern because you can use it in five different pricing brightness modes which can be useful in different situations. One of the modes that you will necessarily be interested in is the SOS mode which you can use to call out for help while you are in danger. It also works with a rechargeable battery which means you don't have to worry about battery replacement costs. And it is perfect for use both indoors and outdoors since it comes with a waterproof casing which will prevent any kind of damage from happening to it. So far this Camping lantern has been very impressive and there are no any cons that can be associated with it.


You will love it that it is lightweight and so if you are using it for hikes, will not be a hassle to carry around.

It is powered by rechargeable lithium-ion batteries which means you will not need to spend money on battery replacement costs.

You can adjust it as needed for low brightness and high brightness since it can deliver a brightness of between 20-4200 lumens.

It comes with a USB interface that you can use to charge your phones which is very vital in case of hikes.

You can use it in wet conditions since its casing is designed to be waterproof.

In case you find yourself in danger during a camp you can use its SOS lighting mode to call out for help period

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