Naressa Electric Callus Remover Review

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Naressa Electric Callus Remover

Category: Facial Massage Machines, Brand: Naressa , Model: Electric Callus Remover
Naressa Electric Callus Remover
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Rating: 3.9 / 5 stars
(on 102 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2016
Basic Info:
Weight: 8 oz
227 g
Spins quantity: 30 times/s
Color: Black
Water resistant:
Accessories: 2x roller grinding heads
Speed levels: 1
Battery type: 2 x AA
Amazon's price:
18.13 $
Item URL for sale

This electric callus remover is effortlessly one of the best in the market right now. It can work through the contours of your feet and spins up to 30 times per second to achieve a smooth finish. Your hands are also safe to use with it since it comes with an ergonomic design that guarantees your comfort. You will also love the pressure lock technology that works to protect your skin. However, it is powered by batteries which deplete very fast so you have some replacement costs to think about. 


It works effectively around contours on your feet since its head can rotate 360 degrees to take the shape of any contour.

It will achieve maximum smoothness in an area that you focus it on thanks to the 30 spins it makes per second.

It safeguards your skin from accidental damage from pressure thanks to its pressure lock technology.

It fits easily into the hands thanks to the ergonomic design that also makes it comfortable to use for long periods.

It is light with a balanced weight which makes it easy to move around in swift motions during use.


It is powered by batteries which get depleted quite fast.

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