Victor M250S Electronic Mousetrap Review

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Victor M250S Electronic Mousetrap

Category: Facial Massage Machines, Brand: Victor , Model: M250S Electronic Mousetrap
Victor M250S Electronic Mousetrap
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Rating: 3.4 / 5 stars
(on 24 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2016
Basic info:
Size: 3.5 x 2 x 7 in
9 x 5 x 18 cm
Weight: 0.52 lb
0.24 kg
Color: Black
Sound Alarm:
Indicator light :
Electric shock: high - voltage
Batteries Type: 4x AA
Amazon's price:
24.99 $
Item URL for sale

One outstanding thing about this electric mouse trap is the fact that it comes with 12 different bait holes that easily attract the mice. Once they're in, they are subjected to very high voltage that kills them instantly. It also has a unique bevel design that acts as a trap for the nice once they are in the unit preventing them from escaping. The chamber is removable for easy cleaning and it works with a smart circuit technology to detect any target for electrocution. However, it can only be powered by the use of batteries and it does not come with an alarm feature for audio alerts.


It comes in very small dimensions; therefore, finding the perfect space for it in the house won't be much of a hassle.

You will get a signal from the LED lights once a kill is made so that you empty it and live it free to kill the next rodent.

It is designed with beveled columns which trap the mouse and prevents them from escaping once they are in the trap.

You will have an easy time cleaning it since its parts are detachable from the electrical unit for easy cleaning.

It is fitted with a technology that allows it to detect a rat and activate the shock immediately it steps into the tunnel.

You are protected from electric shocks as it comes with a safety switch that is activated once you open the unit to prevent the current from running through the device.

It comes with 12 bait holes that are very efficient in transmitting the smell of the bait so as to attract the mice fast enough.


It does not come with an alarm for alerts therefore if you place it in a very discrete place you will have to keep on checking if it has killed anything yet.

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