Waterpik ADA Water Flosser Review

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Waterpik ADA Water Flosser

Category: Facial Massage Machines, Brand: Waterpik , Model: ADA Water Flosser
Waterpik ADA Water Flosser
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Rating: 4.4 / 5 stars
(on 10397 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2017
Basic info:
Size: 5.9 x 6.6 x 9.2 in
15 x 17 x 23 cm
Weight: 2 lb
0.9 kg
Color: White
Flosser tips: 7
Modes: 10
Cleaning cycle: 90 s
Power Source:
Rechargeable Battery:
Amazon's price:
59.00 $
Old price:79.99 $
You save:20.99 $
Item URL for sale on:Amazon.com

This dental water flosser allows you to use a timer to monitor the amount of time you're going to use flossing your teeth and also adjust the pressure with which the tips focus water on your teeth. You can also work on your teeth using its different modes that will leave your teeth and gums not only clean but with improved blood circulation. It also does not need frequent refilling since it comes with a high volume tank that can accommodate single cycles that lasts up to 90 seconds at a time. However, its electrical standards are based on North American standards and it is also quite loud during operation.


It allows you to work with 10 different pressure settings which are ideal if you have sensitive teeth or you are purchasing it for use by people of different age groups.

You can use it continuously for 90 seconds without the need for a refilling since it comes with a high volume reservoir.

It comes with seven different flossing tips that can be used on implants, braces, and veneers to successfully remove plaque for healthy teeth.

You will love it that it comes with a compartment that is efficient for storage of the tips.

It allows you to use its timer to monitor the amount of time you spend flossing so that you don't end up damaging your gums and teeth by overflowing them.

You can use it to eliminate debris or any form of plague since you can adjust the pressure the tips work with to boost their efficiency.


It is designed to work with only North American electric standards which make it inconvenient to use in other regions.

It is quite loud therefore it is not advisable to use it during hours when silence is valued.

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