YOUTHINK Pet Water Fountain Review

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YOUTHINK Pet Water Fountain

Category: Facial Massage Machines, Brand: YOUTHINK , Model: Pet Water Fountain
YOUTHINK Pet Water Fountain
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Rating: 4.4 / 5 stars
(on 112 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2017
Basic info:
Size: 11.4 x 11.4 x 7.1 in
29 x 29 x 18 cm
Weight: 5.73 lb
2.6 kg
Color: White
Material: Ceramic
Water Capacity: 2.1l
Safe Dishwasher:
Fillters: Charcoal
Power: AC adapter
Amazon's price:
79.95 $
Item URL for sale

This cat water fountain will go a long way in helping your cat to evade allergic reactions due to plastic since it is made of ceramic which is also very easy to clean. It also ensures that the water is always kept pure and safe for your cat to drink thanks to the two filters that it is fitted with. You can also use it for both large and small pets since it comes with 3 different waterways that can accommodate all of them. However, it does not come with a flow adjuster that can be used to streamline the fountain to prevent it from causing turbulence in the drinking tray. 


It comes with a high capacity water tank that makes it very efficient for multi-pet households.

You will love it that it is made of ceramic which is not only easy to clean but also helps protect your pets from exposure to plastic allergy.

It comes with foam filters that eliminate hairs and particles making the water clean.

Your pet will also get the advantage of drinking fresh water that is free of odor thanks to its carbon filters.

It does not intimidate the pets with motor noise since its motor operates in a very silent operation that is unnoticeable.

You get to save on maintenance costs since its motor has a lifespan of 20,000 hours.

It offers your pet 3 different ways of drinking from it which makes it ideal for both small and big pets.


Its default stream flow causes a bit of turbulence in the water in the tray. It would have been awesome if it had a mechanism to adjust the flow.

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