AMERTEER Electric Pencil Sharpener Review

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AMERTEER Electric Pencil Sharpener

Category: Fat Cavitation Machines, Brand: AMERTEER , Model: Electric Pencil Sharpener
AMERTEER Electric Pencil Sharpener
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Rating: 4.6 / 5 stars
(on 14 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2016
Basic info:
Size: 3.5 x 3.5 x 6.8 in
Color: Black
Blades: Stainless steel
Green product:
Vertical design:
Horizontal design:
Auto Stop:
Power Source: AC adapter
Amazon's price:
19.98 $
Item URL for sale

The AMERTEER Electric Pencil Sharpener stands out for its powerful motor since it is powered by the use of electricity. It also comes with three different tip settings that will allow you to sharpen your pencil to three different degrees of sharpness. The blades are also made of durable steel and are helical in shape for quick and uniform sharpening. You will enjoy using its powerful motor; however, since it is powered using electricity you can only use it where a power source is available.


It is compact and lightweight given its small dimensions.

You can choose the degree of sharpness you want for your pencils thanks to its three tip settings.

It is very stable since it has a wide base with anti-skid rubber.

The blades are helical in shape which sharpens pencils fast and uniformly.

It shavings reservoir is large enough to accommodate a lot of sharpening before emptying.

Children are safe from hurt fingers as it has a safety feature that prevents it from working if its components are opened.

Its motor is very powerful since it is powered using electric current.


You can only use it where there is an electric power source.

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