Baby Brezza Bottle Sterilizer Review

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Baby Brezza Bottle Sterilizer

Category: Fat Cavitation Machines, Brand: Baby Brezza , Model: Bottle Sterilizer
Release date: 2016
Basic Info:
Capacity: 6 bottles
Size: 16.5 x 11.5 x 11.5 in
42 x 5 x 5 cm
Weight: 6.8 lb
3.1 kg
LCD Display:
Settings: Sterilizer Only, Sterilizer and Dryer, Dryer Only
Sterilize time: 8 min
Automatic shut off:
Amazon's price:
94.94 $
Old price:99.99 $
You save:5.05 $
Item URL for sale

You will love this baby bottle Sterilizer for the fact that it is multifunctional. So for its price, you will get a sterilizer, a dryer and a storage unit for your baby bottles and it’s free of any BPA chemicals. It is also the Sterilizer to use for your pacifiers and breast pumps as it works to sterilize all these in just 8 minutes. The only drawback that I can associate with it is that it comes with a base that is capable of rusting.

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It can sterilize many bottles at the same time which is time saving.

You get value for money as it does more than just sterilize your bottles; it also dries them and acts as a storage unit when not in use.

You can trust it to sterilize your bottles for up to 24 hours at a time.

It has a timer that you can input your preferred settings and it shuts off automatically after these settings are achieved to conserve energy.

It does not expose your baby's bottles to harmful chemicals since it is made of BPA free materials.

It also works for pacifiers and breast pumps.


The bottom rusts if exposed to water that is not distilled.

It is quite costly.

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