Garadget Garage Door Opener with Smartphone Review

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Garadget Garage Door Opener with Smartphone

Category: Fat Cavitation Machines, Brand: Garadget , Model: Garage Door Opener with Smartphone
Garadget Garage Door Opener with Smartphone
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Rating: 3.8 / 5 stars
(on 197 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2017
Basic Info:
Size: 6.5 x 5 x 3.5 in
Weight: 7 oz
Color: Black
Real-time alerts:
Phone remote:
Opening/closing shedule:
Video Monitoring:
Amazon's price:
79.00 $
Item URL for sale


It sends you timely notifications when your garage gate is opened or closed which can help you note when your garage is still open so that you close it.

You and family members who have access can control it remotely using your smartphone since it comes with Wi-Fi connection.

It is very lightweight with small dimensions and so you will have a very easy time during its installation.

You can easily connect it with your existing home automation systems hence eliminating the cost associated with installation.

It saves you the cost associated with replacement of batteries since it is not powered by the use of batteries.


The application that it works with is quite faulty when it comes to reporting on the garage door's position.

It is quite difficult to get it to work with the SmartThings system.

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