N/A Intelligent Indoor Garden Review

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N/A Intelligent Indoor Garden

Category: Fat Cavitation Machines, Brand: N/A , Model: Intelligent Indoor Garden
N/A Intelligent Indoor Garden
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Rating: 3.5 / 5 stars
(on 11 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2017
Basic info:
Size: 13.9 x 5.9 x 13.9 in
35 x 15 x 35 cm
Weight: 3.3 lb
1.5 kg
LCD Display:
LED power: 7.5 W
Plants Quantity: 1
Hydroponics technology:
Amazon's price:
64.99 $
Old price:129.99 $
You save:65.00 $
Item URL for sale on:Amazon.com

This indoor gardening kit comes with self-timing and self-watering technology that will save you time since it allows you to operate carefree as long as the reservoir of the water has been filled. You will love it that you can detach the pots from the base for easy cleaning and maintenance. It also works with an automatic light cycle that operates with three different modes that you will find convenient for growing your plants and also for reading. However, it is not designed to accommodate a lot of plants at the same time, therefore, you cannot use it to grow many plants.


It comes in very small dimensions which make it very convenient to place indoors since it does not take up much space.

You will love it that it works with an automatic 8 hour light cycle that operates using three different modes to ensure the plants are sufficiently provided with light that they need for photosynthesis.

It is very easy to operate since it is fitted with control panel with a very simple on and off switch.

You'll have an easy time when it comes to cleaning and maintaining it thanks to the fact that its pots are detachable from the base.

It works with a self-watering technology which ensures that you do not need to keep monitoring whether the plants have been supplied with water as long as the reservoir has sufficient water.


It cannot support the growth of many plants at the same time.

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