N/A Turtle Indoor Water Fountain Review

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N/A Turtle Indoor Water Fountain

Category: Fat Cavitation Machines, Brand: N/A , Model: Turtle Indoor Water Fountain
N/A Turtle Indoor Water Fountain
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Rating: 4.2 / 5 stars
(on 6 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2017
Basic info:
Size: 19 x 16 x 34 in
48 x 41 x 86 cm
Weight: 40 lb
18 kg
Material: crushed stone
Water Capacity: 120 GPH (gallon per hour)
Shape: Turtle
Amazon's price:
340.86 $
Item URL for sale on:Amazon.com

This garden fountain decoration comes in a very large size which makes it ideal for a spacious garden to create a focal point that will give your garden some character. You will love it that it comes with creative sculptures of turtles with a mosaic mirrored glass to create a wonderful effect during the daytime thanks to some reflection from the sun. At night, you can turn on its LED lights to create an ambience for smooth relaxation and meditation. However, it comes in large dimensions which make it quite heavy to move which opens it up to breakages and the fact that it is made of resin means repairing it once it breaks is a tough affair.


It is very easy to set-up and assemble which you will find to be time-saving.

You can use it as a garden decoration with an instant attraction since it comes with turtle sculptures that are very captivating.

It is also forged with mirrored glass which gives them a unique look during the daytime as they reflect sunlight to make your garden outstanding.

You can bank on its durability since it is made of resin which is very durable and can withstand extreme weather conditions.

It comes with a cascading stream that generates a very soothing sound in your garden that is ideal for mediation.


It is quite heavy.

It is made of resin which is hard to repair unlike materials like cement.

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