Nostalgia Retro 3-in-1 Breakfast Station Review

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Nostalgia Retro 3-in-1 Breakfast Station

Category: Fat Cavitation Machines, Brand: Nostalgia , Model: Retro 3-in-1 Breakfast Station
Nostalgia Retro 3-in-1 Breakfast Station
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Rating: 3.9 / 5 stars
(on 632 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2017
Basic info:
Size: 19.8 x 12.5 x 11.5 in
50 x 32 x 29 cm
Weight: 13.1 lb
5.9 kg
Color: Red
Power: 1500 W
A removable rack:
Toaster Oven:
Coffee Maker:
Timer: 30 min
Automatic shut off:
Amazon's price:
54.45 $
Old price:79.99 $
You save:25.54 $
Item URL for sale

You will love it that you can use this breakfast center to brew your coffee and also toast up to four slices of bread. It comes in very large dimensions that will make it ideal for preparing breakfast for a large number of people to save time. You also get value for your money since it is multifunctional and so you can use the unit to toast, bake and reheat your food. Another thing is that it comes with a timer that you use to set the precise measurements that you would love to prepare your breakfast with precision. However, it comes with a very small drip tray that can overflow in case you intend to do a lot of grilling and it top grill cover is quite low which can open you up to burns in case you touch it while grilling.

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It comes with very big dimensions which means it can be used to prepare large meal portions to serve a big family.

You can use it at a distance from the source of electricity since it comes with a long enough cord that allows you that flexibility.

It is very easy to clean since it comes with a griddle that is non-stick and a tray that can easily be removed for quick cleaning.

You can use it to brew coffee for up to 4 people and toast up to 4 slices of bread concurrently which is very time-saving.

It is multi-functional therefore you'll get value for your money as you can use the same unit to toast, bake or reheat your breakfast.

You can set it to shut off after 30 minutes thanks to its timer and it shuts off automatically once your settings have been achieved so that you obtain the best results.


Nostalgia Retro 3-in-1 Breakfast Station cons

It comes with a small drip pan that can prove quite a challenge when it comes to handling the grease from the grill for long periods of use.

Its top cover lies very low which means it opens you up to burns in case you are not careful while doing some grilling.

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