ObboMed® MH-1005G Electric Gloves Review

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ObboMed® MH-1005G Electric Gloves

Category: Fat Cavitation Machines, Brand: ObboMed® , Model: MH-1005G Electric Gloves
ObboMed® MH-1005G Electric Gloves
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Rating: 3.3 / 5 stars
(on 14 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2016
Basic info:
For Men:
For Women:
Size for women: One size
For unisex:
Color: Grey
Fabric: Velour
Temperature: 109 F
43 C
Portable pothook:
Heating Settings: 1
ON/OFF button:
Battery type: USB interface such as PC, computer Power bank
Charging port: USB cable
Amazon's price:
24.99 $
Old price:29.99 $
You save:5.00 $
Item URL for sale on:Amazon.com

You will enjoy the warmth that comes with the velour fabric that these gloves are made of. They also cover a wide range of temperatures and you can comfortably use them on devices like touch screen phones without removing them. The fabric that makes their heating elements is carbon fiber which is very durable. Even though they are very efficient in keeping the hands warm these gloves are not well fitted for activities like mountain climbing and they do not come with an elongated wrist cuff for protection against wind.


They are comfortable to the hands and are good for heat retention thanks to the velour fabric that they are made of.

You can trust their heating element to last for long since they are made of a carbon fiber element that wears out when exposed to constant heating.

They consume very little energy and can be powered using portable devices like phones and power banks through the use of a USB cable.

You can use them on touchscreen devices like phones without removing them since their fingertips are designed for that purpose.

They have a wide range of temperature coverage and that means you can use them even in extremely cold temperatures.


They do not have hand grips and therefore they are not ideal for rigorous activities like mountain climbing.

They do not come with an elongated wrist cuff and so they do not adequately cover the upper parts of your hands.

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