PetSafe Self-Cleaning Cat Litter Box Review

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PetSafe Self-Cleaning Cat Litter Box

Category: Fat Cavitation Machines, Brand: PetSafe , Model: Self-Cleaning Cat Litter Box
PetSafe Self-Cleaning Cat Litter Box
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Rating: 3.7 / 5 stars
(on 1344 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2017
Basic info:
Size: 27.5 x 19 x 16 in
70 x 48 x 41 cm
Weight: 21 lb
9.5 kg
Color: Purple/Taupe
Health counter:
Automatic timer:
Automatic night light:
Wet cleaning:
Amazon's price:
159.95 $
Item URL for sale

This is one automatic cat litter box that will keep the environment that you place it in tidy since it is designed with a self-cleaning system. It also comes with a privacy hood that will ensure your cat is secluded to avoid incidences of tracking. You will also love it that it is designed to automatically rake the waste into a waste compartment to maintain an odorless environment. The rake is attached to an automatic timer that will reset it every time the cat gets into the litter box. However, it is quite tedious having to replace the litter trays on a frequent basis and purchasing new ones leads to additional long-term costs. 

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It comes in sizable dimensions which will ensure that it is easy for you to place it in an accessible position without taking up much space.

You can go for weeks without the need for scooping or refilling it since it works with a self-cleaning system.

It will keep the room that you place it odorless since it has a waste collection compartment that is secluded.

You can use it to monitor the health of your cat just by its bathroom breaks since it has a health counter that notifies you the number of times it is used by the cat.

It comes with a privacy hood that will ensure that your cat is secluded to avoid the occurrence of tracking.

You can pair it up with an anti-tracking mat to maintain a neat environment that does not need frequent cleaning.

Its rake works with an automatic timer to ensure that it rakes off the waste into the waste compartment every time the cat uses the cat litter.


It is quite bulky to replace the entire litter tray frequently.

If you have to purchase new replacement litter trays frequently it will be costly in the long term.

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