Philips Air Purifier 2000i Review

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Philips Air Purifier 2000i

Category: Fat Cavitation Machines, Brand: Philips , Model: Air Purifier 2000i
Philips Air Purifier 2000i
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Rating: 4.1 / 5 stars
(on 54 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2016
Basic info:
Size: 11.6 x 16.2 x 24.1 in
29 x 41 x 61 cm
Weight: 24.1 lb
11 kg
Color: Silver
Purifier Area: 277 sq. ft.
26 sq.m.
Filters: pre-filter, HEPA Filter, Active carbon
Settings: 3
Modes: 5
Voice controler:
Filter replacement indicator:
Amazon's price:
555.58 $
Item URL for sale

It is no doubt that the Philips Air Purifier 2000i is quite efficient in purifying air thanks to the technologies that it is fitted with. You will love its multistage filtration system that has the capacity to purify over 99% of the germs in the air. The Aerasense technology that it is fitted with has the capacity to detect unclean air and purify it through automatic settings. And you can also use its five different modes to set it to your preferences. However, it works with very expensive filters and it only works for small or medium sized rooms.

Air Purifier 2000i video review


You can control it remotely using your phone to change settings for speed or just set a schedule.

It will save you a lot of energy costs since it consumes very little energy as Energy Star Certified device.

You can use it to purify both large rooms and small rooms.

It comes with different modes that you can use to adjust it to your preferential settings.

You can check its air quality display to show you whether the air is quality, polluted, has good allergen or bad allergen.

It is highly sensitive and can detect the air quality and adjust automatically purify it.

You get to benefit from a superior purification technology thanks to its three different filters that capture over 99.9% of allergens and particles.

It does not make noise during use.


Its filters are very expensive.

It cannot be used to purify the air in large rooms.

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