Philips GC026 Electric Lint Remover Review

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Philips GC026 Electric Lint Remover

Category: Fat Cavitation Machines, Brand: Philips , Model: GC026 Electric Lint Remover
Philips GC026 Electric Lint Remover
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Rating: 4.0 / 5 stars
(on 34 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2016
Basic Info:
Size: 3.3 x 6.8 x 4.0 in
8.4 x 17.3 x 10.2 cm
Weight: 6.9 oz
196 g
Color: White with Blue
Battery type: 2AA
Speed: 8800 rounds/minute
Amazon's price:
23.78 $
Item URL for sale

I recommend his lint remover since it is quite comfortable to the hands especially if you intend to use it for long periods. You will also love that you can use it on different garments and it can work on lint of just any size. However, the cover case is quite delicate and you will need to ensure you close it off tightly while in use to avoid accidental slips.

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The blades have a large surface area that enables them to shave through a large portion of any fabric within a short period thus saving time.

The blades rotate at a very high speed that will ensure the lint located on the clothes are removed efficiently and very fast.

It comes with a cleaning brush with long bristles that does clothes job to ensure that the fabric shaver is thoroughly cleaned when the need arises.

The holes in the mesh are of three different sizes to ensure that lint of different sizes can easily be captured and shaved off.

It has a pill container that captures all the shaved off lints which is also easy to remove and clean off once done.

It fits into the palm effortlessly to ensure that its operation is comfortable at all times.


The cover case if not tightly closed can easily slide off during use.

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