Project E Beauty Facial Massager Review

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Project E Beauty Facial Massager

Category: Fat Cavitation Machines, Brand: Project E , Model: Beauty Facial Massager
Project E Beauty Facial Massager
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Rating: 3.3 / 5 stars
(on 3 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2017
Basic info:
Size: 8.7 x 10.2 x 2.8 in
22 x 26 x 7 cm
Weight: 21 oz
600 g
Warm Effect:
Cold Effect:
Rotation modes: 1
Radio Frequency:
Amazon's price:
66.74 $
Old price:99.90 $
You save:33.16 $
Item URL for sale

What are the most outstanding things about this facial massager is the fact that it comes with a blue light Photon which is very crucial when it comes to eliminating rashes and improving the elasticity of the skin. You don't succumb to the cold therapy treatment which is key for smoothening puffy eyes and making your skin rejuvenated. It is also very easy to operate thanks to the fact that it comes with a simple and off button. However, it only offers cold therapy treatment when the hot therapy treatment would also have been ideal for the skin.


It comes with very small dimensions which make it ideal to be used as a travel facial toning machine.

You will have an easy time operating it thanks to the fact that it comes with a simple control panel and on and off button.

It comes with a cold therapy mechanism that is ideal for soothing the skin and reducing puffiness around the eyes.

You can use its blue photon light to penetrate the skin by up to 0.5mm to reduce rashes and tighten the skin.

Its continuous use will enhance the skin’s ability to absorb nutrients which will go a long way in boosting its appearance.


It only offers the cold therapy treatment when it would have been ideal if it offered both.

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