Rollo Shipping Label Printer Review

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Rollo Shipping Label Printer

Category: Fat Cavitation Machines, Brand: Rollo , Model: Shipping Label Printer
Rollo Shipping Label Printer
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Rating: 4.4 / 5 stars
(on 283 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2016
Basic info:
Size: 7.7 x 3 x 3.3 in
20 x 8 x 8 cm
Weight: 2.2 lb
1 kg
Label size: 4 x 6 in
Printing speed: 150 mm/s
Compatible with: Microsoft Word, PDF, web browsers
USB port:
Automatic cutter:
Amazon's price:
179.99 $
Item URL for sale

This is one label printer that you can use to print a diverse number of labels that you need for your business. It can also accommodate the printing of labels of different sizes and different dimensions thereby giving you value for money. In case you need to print a lot of labels you'll also love the fact that it works with a very high speed. However, you have to purchase a label holder thereby incurring additional costs.


It takes up very little desk space since it comes in very small dimensions.

You will love that it works with a very high speed which can be time-saving in case you have a lot of labels to print.

It is compatible with most software used to make labels and it works for both Windows and iOS operated computers.

You get to save on the cost of purchasing toners and paints since it uses Advanced Thermal Direct Technology that does not need the use of a ink.

It gives you value money since you can use it to print a diverse number of labels from shipping labels to FBA labels.

You will have an easy time setting it up.

It is capable of detecting the key characteristics of the labels you would love to print therefore making the whole printing process very efficient.

You can use it to print labels of any size.


If you're going to be printing labels from a roll then you will need to purchase the roll holders separately at an extra cost.

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