Waring WEK200 Electric Knife Review

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Waring WEK200 Electric Knife

Category: Fat Cavitation Machines, Brand: Waring , Model: WEK200 Electric Knife
Waring WEK200 Electric Knife
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Rating: 5.0 / 5 stars
(on 2 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2016
Basic info:
Size: 2.88 x 13.12 x 10.25 in
7 x 33 x 26 cm
Color: Black
Blade material: Stainless Steel
Blade type: Bread and carving blades
Storage tray:
Safety Button:
Cooling system:


You can use it for carving and slicing bread as it comes with two special knives for that purpose.

It is fitted with an LED light that you can use for lighting up when you are in a dimly lit area.

The storage case is heavy duty, durable and comes with a handle that you can use to carry it around.

You can use it cordless as it comes with rechargeable batteries that also charge very fast.

Its handle comes with a special design that ensures you can use it for long periods without any strain.

The holding part of its handle is separated from the motor thus keeping you safe in case the motor parts get hot.

Its safety blades are held tightly in place during use thanks to the power safety lock mechanism.


Its handle design makes it quite bulky.

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