YUSONG Facial Massage Machine Review

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YUSONG Facial Massage Machine

Category: Fat Cavitation Machines, Brand: YUSONG , Model: Facial Massage Machine
YUSONG Facial Massage Machine
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Rating: 4.1 / 5 stars
(on 8 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2016
Basic info:
Size: 8.4 x 5.8 x 3.4 in
21 x 15 x 9 cm
Weight: 13.8 oz
391 g
Warm Effect:
Cold Effect:
Rotation modes: 1
Radio Frequency:
Charge Type: AC adapter
Charge time: 3h
Amazon's price:
32.99 $
Item URL for sale on:Amazon.com

This facial massage machine is very easy to use since it comes with very simple and direct control patterns. You can also use it to generate cold and hot effects on your skin which come with very many benefits and you have indicator lights to notify you which setting you are on. It can be set to work on the face for certain periods thanks to the automatic timer that works in intervals of five minutes. However, it does not use radio frequency for its operations.


You'll have an easy time controlling it thanks to the fact that it comes with simple control buttons that are direct.

It comes in very small dimensions which make it ideal as a travel facial massage machine.

You can trust its power to last for up to one week on a maximum of three-hour charge.

It can be activated to warm up the skin so that the pores are opened and blood circulation is enhanced.

You can use its cooling effect feature to reduce wrinkles and firm up the skin.

If you prefer it to work on your face for a given period of time, then you have an automatic timer that works in intervals of five minutes to ensure that happens after which its turned off automatically.


It does not use radio frequency for its operation.

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