Harmony Fountains Indoor Waterfall Review

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Harmony Fountains Indoor Waterfall

Category: Outdoor Water Fountains, Brand: Harmony Fountains , Model: Indoor Waterfall
Harmony Fountains Indoor Waterfall
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Rating: 3.0 / 5 stars
(on 5 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2016
Basic info:
Size: 20 x 11 x 10 in
51 x 28 x 25 cm
Weight: 17.5 lb
8 kg
Material: cast resin and fiberglass
Water Capacity: 1.25 gallons / h
Shape: vaze waterfall
Amazon's price:
159.99 $
Item URL for sale on:Amazon.com

This is one amazing garden fountain that is very durable since it is made of cast resin and fiberglass that is both tough and easy to maintain. It is capable of generating a consistent cascading stream thanks to the fact that it comes with a recirculating pump whose speed you can also adjust to fit your needs. It has a really stylish finish that is worked on by experienced artists for an attractive garden finish. However, it is made of resin which is very hard to repair once it is broken.


It comes in small dimensions which means finding vantage space for it in your garden won't be much of a problem.

You can trust it to last long since it is made of cast resin and fiberglass material which gives it a high level of durability,

It comes with a high capacity reservoir that will ensure you don't need to refill it frequently even in humid environments where the water tends to evaporate quickly.

You can set it up in your garden for relaxation and meditation thanks to the cascading streams that generates soothing sounds that create an atmosphere for that.

It has LED lights under the bowls that hold the cascading streams which creates a very wonderful effect that can be ideal to set up in your garden.

You get to save on water since it is fitted with a recirculating pump that recycles water continuously to generate the cascading streams.


It is made of a resin material that cannot be repaired once it breaks, therefore, you will need to be very careful while handling this outdoor fountain.

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