Our Pets Pets SmartScoop Litter Box Review

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Our Pets Pets SmartScoop Litter Box

Category: Pedometers, Brand: Our Pets , Model: Pets SmartScoop Litter Box
Our Pets Pets SmartScoop Litter Box
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Rating: 3.1 / 5 stars
(on 16 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2017
Basic info:
Size: 27 x 17.2 x 27.8 in
69 x 44 x 71 cm
Weight: 12.1 lb
5.5 kg
Color: Black
Health counter:
Automatic timer:
Automatic night light:
Wet cleaning:
Amazon's price:
122.99 $
Old price:169.99 $
You save:47.00 $
Item URL for sale on:Amazon.com

This automatic pet litter box is very easy to maintain and clean since its parts are all detachable to enable that. It is also a first-of-its-kind since it comes with Bluetooth technology that allows you to connect to an app on your phone to monitor your cat's elimination behavior. For odor elimination, it is fitted with some very efficient carbon filters. However, the only disadvantage that it has is that it does not come with a mechanism that you can use to prevent tracking so you will need to come up with your own to maintain cleanliness and hygiene around the litter box.

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It comes in very large dimensions which make it perfect for a multicat household.

You can use it with any kind of cat litter which makes it very convenient for you to work with what is readily available thereby also minimizing your costs.

It comes with Bluetooth technology which means you can pair the unit with a smartphone application for easy monitoring of the cat elimination behavior and frequency.

You do not have to come into contact with the waste during disposal since it comes with a detachable waste tray that can be lined with no-touch waste bags.

It is fitted with sensors that make it very efficient when it comes to detecting whether the cat has stepped in or left the unit for quick cleaning.

You can trust it to control the odor that comes from the waste since it is fitted with carbon filters.


It does not come with a mechanism for controlling tracking so you'll have to devise your own.

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