AcuRite 00589 Weather Station Review

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AcuRite 00589 Weather Station

Category: Teeth Whitening Kits, Brand: AcuRite , Model: 00589 Weather Station
AcuRite 00589 Weather Station
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Rating: 4.2 / 5 stars
(on 450 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2017
Basic info:
Size: 7.7 x 10.3 x 7.1 in
20 x 26 x 18 cm
Weight: 2.78 lb
1.26 kg
Color: White
LCD Display:
Barometric Pressure:
Sound Meter:
Indoor CO2 concentration:
Wind speed and direction:
Solar radiation:
Amazon Alexa:
Amazon's price:
76.99 $
Item URL for sale

This home weather system comes with a console and a sensor unit that you can position outside to collect accurate data on the prevailing weather conditions. The sensor is designed to focus on collecting data regarding humidity, temperature, and barometric pressure. Its console has a very widescreen full-color LCD display that is fitted with icons for easy use. It is capable of giving you historical data on a daily or monthly basis and the highs and the lows of the weather elements it monitors. However, it will be good if it had an alarm to alert you of adverse weather conditions from the forecast it receives thanks to its self-calibrating technology.


It comes with a sensor unit that can be positioned outdoors to collect accurate data on temperature, wind, and humidity.

You can adjust its settings right from an LCD display that is designed with full color and icons to make it very easy for you to maneuver around it.

It will give you graphical representation and historical data on a daily or a monthly basis so that you are able to monitor the weather trends.

You will love it that it works with self-calibrating technology that can provide you with a very reliable forecast of the weather in your surroundings.

It will give you notifications on the highs and lows of the different weather elements that it measures so that you are up-to-date on the variations of weather and the measures that you can take to counter them.

You do not need to worry about battery replacement cost since its battery is designed to last for up to two years.


Its sensor only focuses on three weather elements.

It does not come with an alarm to alert you of adverse weather.

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