Carepeutic Foot Bath Massager Review

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Carepeutic Foot Bath Massager

Category: Teeth Whitening Kits, Brand: Carepeutic , Model: Foot Bath Massager
Carepeutic Foot Bath Massager
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Rating: 3.8 / 5 stars
(on 127 Amazon's customer reviews)

One thing worth noting about this foot massager is that it uses the roller massage in conjunction with other mechanisms to ensure that the feet are well taken care of. First, it uses hyperthermia heat therapy to heal sore feet muscles and combines that with the Infrared heat to stimulate blood flow to the muscles. It also generates air bubbles which do a good job of soothing the feet. You can also use it with minerals that are good for your feet thanks to its herbal bag. However, its bubbles are not strong enough for a great soothing sensation on the feet and its external drainage does not work continuously.

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It uses hyperthermia healing therapy which uses heat to stimulate oxygenation in the muscles to reduce pain.

You will love its motorized roller massage since they are very effective for reducing the tension in the muscles using a consistent massage.

Its container is deep enough to cover the calf to ensure every muscle around the feet is cured of soreness and tension.

You can set it to meet your needs comfortably using its LCD screen.

It uses infrared heat which improves the blood flow to the muscles to kick start their healing.

You can spice up your foot bath without the worry of clogging it since it comes with a special bag for keeping the minerals you need to use.

It also uses air bubbles massage for soothing the feet to ensure they are well relaxed for the roller massage.

You can cover its top using its top cover to ensure the water heats up faster.


It external drainage function does not drain water continuously, you have to turn it on and off again after every three minutes.

Its bubble action is not that strong.

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