4moms Baby Swing Review

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4moms Baby Swing

Category: Teeth Whitening Kits, Brand: 4moms , Model: Baby Swing
4moms Baby Swing
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Rating: 3.7 / 5 stars
(on 215 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2016
Basic info:
Size: 29.6 x 16.5 x 27.5 in
75 x 42 x 70 cm
Weight: 17.45 lb
11.3 kg
Color: White
Baby Weight: 7-25 lb
3 - 11 kg
Swinging speeds: 5
Vibration Settings:
MP3 plugin:
Power Source: Electricity
Charging port: AC
Amazon's price:
159.00 $
Item URL for sale on:Amazon.com

If you would love to expose your child to more melodious songs then this baby swing comes with an MP3 plug that makes that worthwhile. And it has a remote control that will afford you a hands-free approach while setting it to your baby's preferences. Cleaning it is quite easy since it can be washed using a washing machine which is more effective. You can also set it to swing your baby at over five different speeds. However, when it comes to powering it you can only use electricity which limits you to using it only where there is a power source.

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It does not take up much space since it is much smaller than a normal sized baby swing.

You get to save on battery replacement costs since it can only be powered through the use of electricity.

It can glide back and forth using five different speeds to ensure your baby is well soothed.

You can plug and connect it to your phone to ensure that your baby is entertained with different songs and melodies.

It is machine washable which will make cleaning it very easy for you.

Your baby gets two toy balls they can use to play while they glide.

Its seat is made of very soft and plush material that will keep your baby comfortable.


It is only powered by the use of electricity which limits you since you cannot use it where there is no electricity.

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