Livescribe 3 smartpen Review

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Livescribe 3 smartpen

Category: Teeth Whitening Kits, Brand: Livescribe , Model: 3 smartpen
Livescribe 3 smartpen
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Rating: 3.1 / 5 stars
(on 183 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2017
Basic info:
Size: 6.2 x 6 x 9.3 in
Weight: 17 oz
482 g
Memory: v
LED indicator:
mini USB:
Amazon's price:
139.99 $
Item URL for sale

This digital pen is perfect for professionals who want to engage in collaborative work since it can sync with up to four devices at the same time. It is also fitted with Bluetooth technology that allows for easy transfer of files between it and Android or iOS devices. You can also convert the handwriting captured into text if you feel the need to share them with other people who might not be able to read your handwriting. Another thing is that it comes with a special technology that allows it to sync the handwritten notes with audio that is recorded during the writing process which you can find very effective for giving technical instructions to other people whom you intend to share the notes with later on. However, this pen uses a special type of paper, therefore, to continue using the pen and to make the most out of its features you will need to purchase this special paper from time-to-time thus incurring additional costs.


It comes with very small dimensions and it is very lightweight which makes it very portable.

You can sync it with your Android and iOS devices for easy transfer of files thanks to the fact that it comes with Bluetooth technology that makes this possible.

It comes with technology that helps you to search your handwritten notes effortlessly for easy location.

You can sync it with up to four devices at the same time which can be very great for facilitating collaborative work amongst professionals.

It notifies you when it is running out of charge thanks to its LED light indicator that is built specifically for this purpose.

You will love it that it is rechargeable which will save you battery replacement costs in the long run.

It has the capacity to sync your handwritten notes with audio which can be very crucial when you're trying to make an instructional script for use with learners or fellow professionals.

You can rely on it to convert your handwritten notes into text which is much more readable for people who might not be able to understand your handwriting.

It also comes with inbuilt memory which you can always rely on to save your notes before you can transfer them to third-party devices or cloud services.


It requires you to use their Livescribe dot paper for it to work efficiently so you will have to incur additional costs from time to time by purchasing these special notebooks.

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