Philippe+Aglioni Electric Milk Frother Review

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Philippe+Aglioni Electric Milk Frother

Category: Teeth Whitening Kits, Brand: Philippe+Aglioni , Model: Electric Milk Frother
Philippe+Aglioni Electric Milk Frother
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Rating: 4.0 / 5 stars
(on 4352 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2016
Basic info:
Size: 6.3 x 5.5 x 7.7 in
16 x 14 x 20 cm
Color: Silver
Capacity: 250ml
Temperature Settings: Cold froth, hot froth and heated milk
Safe Dishwasher:
Auto shut off:
Hot Chocolate:
Amazon's price:
34.91 $
Item URL for sale

This milk frother is ideal for you if you would love a device that can either froth or heat up milk To make cappuccinos or lattes. You get up to three different settings that you can use to meet your personal preferences whether you want cold froth, hot froth or heated milk. It comes with a transparent lead and it has a detachable base that will make it easy for you to pour the contents and also clean the device itself. You will have an easy time cleaning it since it is made of a nonstick interior that will prevent milk from sticking on the insides. It is also very durable given the fact that it is made of an aluminium exterior. However, it can only make a maximum 250ml of cappuccino or latte and so it is perfect for an individual as opposed to large groups.


It does not take up much space since it comes with very small dimensions so it will fit perfectly on your kitchen counter.

You can monitor the contents as they heat up or forth thanks to the transparent lid that comes with.

It will give you an easy time when it comes to cleaning since its interior is made of a non-stick coating.

You can rely on it to last for a very long time since it comes with an exterior that is made of stainless steel coating.

Its base is easily detachable to ensure you can pull out the contents in the frother effortlessly something that also makes it very easy to clean.

You can adjust it by up to 3 different settings for you to get the best results for your specific needs.


It can only make at most one cup at any given time which makes it less efficient for serving a large number of people.

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