Sunbeam Handheld Steamer Review

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Sunbeam Handheld Steamer

Category: Teeth Whitening Kits, Brand: Sunbeam , Model: Handheld Steamer
Sunbeam Handheld Steamer
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Rating: 3.8 / 5 stars
(on 142 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2017
Basic info:
Size: 6 x 13 x 8 in
15 x 33 x 20 cm
Weight: 3 lb
1.4 kg
Steam Time: 15 min
Power: 1400 W
Water Capacity: 300 ml
Auto shut-off:
Amazon's price:
35.99 $
Item URL for sale

If you are on the lookout for a clothes steamer that has the capacity to not only remove wrinkles from your clothes but also iron them then this is just the right one for you. In addition to a steam head, it has a wide press bar that you can activate to remove stubborn wrinkles from different kinds of fabric. It has the capacity to release 15 minutes of a continuous stream which you will find very convenient to work fast and efficiently through large pieces of fabric. However, the device is quite bulky and so cannot work as a travel fabric steamer and its handle is it neck which means you need to be very careful to balance it correctly to avoid wrist strain.


It comes with very small dimensions which mean that it is very portable.

You don't need to keep it stable when you're not using it since it has a very wide base that ensures its stability is assured when placed on a flat surface.

It saves you time since it takes up very little time to heat up enough to be ready for use.

You can use it to work on large fabrics very fast since it has a wide steam head to that covers a large surface area.

It comes with the wide press bar that works like an iron and is very efficient when it comes to removing creases from the fabric.

You can use it for 15 mins uninterrupted which is very crucial when it comes to guaranteeing consistent results.

It is very easy to fill and also to empty once it is full.


It is quite bulky which means it is not ideal for use as a travel fabric steamer.

Its neck is also its handle and so it can cause hand strain while you try to maintain a good balance and angle.

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