Vogue Professional Nail File Review

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Vogue Professional Nail File

Category: Teeth Whitening Kits, Brand: Vogue , Model: Professional Nail File
Vogue Professional Nail File
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Rating: 3.5 / 5 stars
(on 29 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2015
Basic info::
Weight: 5 lb
2.3 kg
Color: Silver with pink
Spins quantity: 35,000 rotations per minute
Functions: Filling, sanding, buffing or shaping nail
Reverse Direction:
Foot Pedal:
Fuse Holder:
Speed Control:
Amazon's price:
129.99 $
Item URL for sale on:Amazon.com

The Vogue Professional Nail File is an ideal electric nail file for you if you want one that can perform many functions at the same time since it can be used for filing sanding or even drilling. You will also love that it comes with a very powerful motor that can perform all these functions very well. Its chuck is of standard size so it can accommodate bits of different sizes effortlessly. However, varying its speed through the foot pedal is quite a challenge.


Vogue Professional Nail File Pros

You get to benefit from a powerful motor that will ensure you achieve your desired results every single time.

If you love to work with different speeds you can alter its speed using the speed controls.

The handpiece does not make vibrations when powered.

It can be used for filling, sanding, buffing or shaping.

You can use it with bits of different sizes since its chuck is standard size.

It comes with a free foot pedal so you can use it hands-free.


While using the foot pedal it is impossible to vary the speeds even when applying low pressure.

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