Wahl Nose Trimmer 5545 - 400 Review

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Wahl Nose Trimmer 5545 - 400

Category: Teeth Whitening Kits, Brand: Wahl , Model: Nose Trimmer 5545 - 400
CHOOSE IT AS: You will have the option to change trimmer's heads to meet your specific needs.
Wahl Nose Trimmer 5545 - 400
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Rating: 4.0 / 5 stars
(on 577 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2015
Basic info:
Size: 1.5 x 4.6 x 8.9 in
3.8 x 11.7 x 22.6 cm
Weight: 4 (neto) oz
113 (neto) g
Color: Silver
Blades: Hygienic Steel
Storage Pouch:
Battery Type: 1AA
LED Charging Indicator:
Micro-USB Charge:
Via wall Charging:
Rechargeable Battery:
Back Shaver:
Body Clipper:
Memory Safety Lock :

Technical Details of the Wahl Ear, Nose and Brow Battery Trimmer.

- The trimmer is quite light as it weighs just 0.330 pounds with dimensions of 8.13 x 3.75 x 1.38 inches for its height, weight and depth respectively.

- It is battery powered so you will need to purchase AA batteries regularly to make use of it. It uses only a single AA battery.

- The heads are interchangeable so you have the option to either use a reciprocating head, a detailed trimmer or a rotary head so that you can meet your shaving needs.

- It comes with a detailed instruction guide that you can use to be able to figure out how to use it. The instruction guide is written in English and Spanish.

- The head comes with a protective cap that prevents the head from experiencing any eventual damage.

- It comes with trimmer guide combs that act as eyebrow guides and have the ability to help you achieve that the perfect eyebrow trim.

Benefits of the Wahl Ear, Nose and Brow Battery Trimmer

It Comes with Interchangeable Heads

A good trimmer should come with a head that you can adjust to achieve the look that you are seeking effortlessly. And this trimmer seems to fit that bill perfectly due to its interchangeable heads. Yes, it comes with three interchangeable heads; The reciprocating head, rotary head, and Detailed head. The reciprocating head complements your hand movements such that you use minimal effort in getting the cut that you need. You can also use the rotary head that will afford you great comfort while ensuring that you can shave from any angle. Meanwhile, you can also go for the detailed head that will give you that quality finish.

The Blades are made of Steel

The type of blade used on a nose trimmer is just as important as other factors that guarantee its quality. For this hair trimmer, you will have the benefit of using a trimmer whose blades are made of steel. One of the benefits you will get from that is the durability that comes with steel blades. Actually, these blades will last you over two years before they start showing any sign of being blunt. Apart from that, steel blades are not affected by water and they are also easily cleaned with water so you won't need to set aside time to clean this nose trimmer as you can do the cleaning immediately you are done with the shaving.

Does not Pull or Pluck Hair

You don't want to be in pain after you are done trimming your ear or nose hair do you? Well then, this is just the right ear and nose trimmer for you. In case you have had a previous experience with trimmers that pull and pluck hair from the nose and ears leaving you in serious pain. What this trimmer does to ensure that does not happen is to give the hairs in your nose or ears a clean close cut for a smooth finish.

It Can be Used on the Neckline and Sideburns

Another beneficial thing with this trimmer is that you can use it on other areas like your neck or sideburns. And this is chiefly made possible by its interchangeable blades. So if you have any hairs on these areas, you can safely use it to eliminate them without any worries.

Uses Battery Power Source

If you are a frequent traveler or you just love to shave in a place that is not close to a power source then you will find this trimmer beneficial. It is specifically designed to receive its power from a single AA battery that you can always change in case it is drained. That means you are not limited as to where you can use the trimmer or relying on an electric power source to determine whether you can do your trimming or not.

It is Light and Comes in a Compact Size

You can spend quite a huge chunk of time while trimming hair in your nose or ears and so you need a trimmer that will not cause any form of strain on your hand due to its weight. The designers of this nose hair trimmer understand this too well and so it has been intentionally designed to weigh 0.330 pounds to be of great comfort to you while in use. In case you are a frequent traveler who loves to carry their gadgets with them then this ear and nose hair trimmer is good for you. Its dimensions also make it quite compact such that you can find space for it in your travel bag easily.

The cons of the Wahl Ear, Nose and Brow Battery Trimmer

- One disadvantage of this ear and nose trimmer is the fact that it can be very loud while in use. Although this might not be such a big problem to some users, some will find it quite annoying and therefore it worth noting.

- Another disadvantage of this hair trimmer is that it uses a battery as its power source. Although this comes with several advantages, the disadvantage is that you will end up spending more on battery replacements in the long run. Something else that makes this a disadvantage is finding the exact battery it needs can be a challenge especially if you are looking to use it as your go-to travel ear and nose hair trimmer.

- Some users also complain that some parts of this hair trimmer are delicate and so fall apart so easily so users will need to be very careful while handling it if you want to use it for a much longer period.


From this review, it is obvious that the Wahl Ear, Nose and Brow Battery trimmer comes with far much more benefits than disadvantages. You will have the option to change its heads to meet your specific needs. The blades are made of steel so the question of how long the blades will last shouldn't be something you struggle with. And it is also light, compact and can be used to trim neckline hair or sideburns despite it being a nose hair trimmer. Why not give it a try today?


It Comes with Interchangeable Heads;

The Blades are made of Steel;

Does not Pull or Pluck Hair;

It Can be Used on the Neckline and Sideburns;

Uses Battery Power Source;

It is Light and Comes in a Compact Size;


Too Loud While in Use;

Haven't charging station;

Some Parts of This Hair Trimmer Are too Delicate.

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