Westinghouse Sous Vide Cooker Review

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Westinghouse Sous Vide Cooker

Category: Teeth Whitening Kits, Brand: Westinghouse , Model: Sous Vide Cooker
Westinghouse Sous Vide Cooker
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Rating: 5.0 / 5 stars
(on 8 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2016
Basic info:
Size: 5.8 x 15.5 x 3.5 in
15 x 39 x 9 cm
Weight: 2.5 lb
1.1 kg
Power: 800 W
Material: Stainless Steel
Vacuum Pump:
Sous Vide Bags:
Temperature: 32- 203 F
0-95 C
Digital Timer:
LCD Display:
Overheat Protection:
Low water level protection:
Amazon's price:
79.99 $
Item URL for sale on:Amazon.com

This suvee machine is quite efficient in delivering consistent results since it comes with PTC heating element that ensures that it is operating at the very accurate temperatures. It gives you the opportunity to cook at your preferred temperatures by making adjustments from the LCD interface and the thumb wheel. You will be able to cook both slow cooking and fast cooking meals and also diverse meals since it comes with a wide temperature range. However, cleaning it is not that easy as its sleeve is not detachable.


It beeps to alert you when the water is heated to optimal temperatures.

You can adjust its temperature and timer settings to cook at your preferred temperatures for the best results.

The thumb wheel control makes it very easy to adjust the timer and temperature settings.

You can attach it effortlessly to any type of container thanks to its attachment clip with rubber grips.

It comes with a wide temperature range which makes it ideal for cooking different types of meals.

You can use it to cook both fast cooking and fast cooking meals thanks to its timer range.

It cooks at accurate temperatures thanks to its PTC heating element.


Its sleeve is not detachable for easy cleaning.

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