Home8 Garage Door Control Review

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Home8 Garage Door Control

Category: WiFi Garage Openers, Brand: Home8 , Model: Garage Door Control
Home8 Garage Door Control
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Rating: 3.7 / 5 stars
(on 87 Amazon's customer reviews)
Release date: 2017
Basic Info:
Size: 7.5 x 4 x 4 in
19 x 10 x 10 cm
Weight: 32 oz
907 g
Real-time alerts:
Phone remote:
Opening/closing shedule:
Video Monitoring:
Amazon's price:
99.99 $
Item URL for sale on:Amazon.com

The Home8 garage door control comes with features built around its GarageShield system that makes it a truly smart garage door opener. You can connect to it via Wi-Fi and operate it through your smartphone remotely. It comes with a camera for video recordings and the camera can also be used at night since it comes with infrared capability. Motion detection is also one of the strengths that it comes with. System expansion is also possible with this garage door opener for a more enriching experience. However, its infrared is not that strong as it cannot effectively monitor very dark nights.


You can watch what is happening in your garage in real time since it comes with camera for video recording.

It is quite easy to install and also lightweight.

You can connect it to your phone via Wi-Fi to enable you to control it from anywhere in the world.

It is fitted with an efficient system that ensures smooth monitoring of your garage.

You get a wide range of options for its installation since it can attach to a garage opener or a wall switch.

It can detect motion in your garage and send you alerts on the same which is vital for stopping potential crime.

You can make additions to it via other systems for a more enriched experience in terms of operation and efficiency.


Its camera's Infrared is not strong enough for areas with complete darkness.

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